
学位可以打开通往各种机会和不同职业道路的大门. CTU提供的巴黎人澳门赌场在哪不一定会导致特色职业. This collection of articles is intended to help inform and guide you through the process of determining which level of degree and types of certifications align with your desired career path.

如果你在研究商业巴黎人澳门赌场在哪, you may have come across two similar-sounding types—business 管理 and business administration. 的re is often some overlap between these 程序s since both are designed to help you prepare to pursue opportunities in the business world.




业务 管理 degree 程序s cover a versatile set of 管理 principles and skills that can be applied across various career paths in a range of industries. 这些课程通常侧重于管理和领导能力. 这与工商管理巴黎人澳门赌场在哪形成鲜明对比, which may cover 管理 and leadership but also focus on general business skills and knowledge.

考虑到这一点, let’s take a deeper dive into what you might expect from a business 管理 degree 程序 and the different types of business degree career paths you might choose to pursue after completing your education.


商业管理巴黎人澳门赌场在哪涵盖一般商业, 管理, 以及领导力主题. At the undergraduate level you may find both associate and bachelor’s in business 管理 degree 程序s. 同样的, at the graduate level you may find both master’s and doctoral degree 程序s in 管理.

Associate in business 管理 degree 程序s are typically designed to provide introductory coverage of business and 管理 concepts. 的se 程序s could be well-suited for anyone who isn’t sure whether they want to pursue a future in 管理 or who simply isn’t ready to commit to a more in-depth four-year degree 程序.

学士及以上学历, 管理 degree 程序s typically may consist of a mix of core 管理 courses plus concentration or elective courses. 营销管理, 战略管理, 运营管理, and human resources 管理 may be among the topics covered as part of the core curriculum. 通常可以选择一个浓度,比如 资讯系统保安, IT和项目管理, 公共管理, or 国土安全除其他外.

工商管理副学士课程vs. 工商管理学士巴黎人澳门赌场在哪

的 main difference between associate and bachelor’s in business 管理 degree 程序s comes down to depth of coverage. 而一些副学士学位和学士学位的商业管理课程会重叠, a bachelor’s 程序 will generally pick up where an associate in business 管理 程序 leaves off.

在一个 管理学学士学位, 你可能会找到涵盖金融原理的课程, 市场营销, 从管理角度设计的运营和国际业务. 这些课程将探讨企业管理理论, functions and practices with the goal of helping you prepare to pursue a 管理 career path.

在科罗拉多技术大学 管理学副学士 项目与大学的前两年一致 管理学学士学位 程序. (很像我们的 网上工商管理大专学历 项目与大学的前两年一致 在线BBA 程序.)


U.S. 劳工统计局 projects 7 percent employment growth in business and financial occupations from 2021 to 2031. Most if not all business career paths in this category require at least a bachelor’s degree.1

那么,商学学位能给你带来什么呢? 的re are a number of business 管理 and business administration degree-related career paths you might be able to pursue after completing your business education. 的 following are some examples of career paths you might pursue with a business degree:*

  • 总经理及营运经理
  • 销售经理
  • 行政服务经理
  • 工业生产经理
  • 运输经理
  • 仓储及配送经理
  • 施工经理
  • 社会和社区服务经理
  • 成本估计
  • 管理分析师

CTU不能保证就业、工资或职业发展. 的 list of career paths related to this 程序 is based on a subset from the 劳工统计局 CIP to SOC Crosswalk. 上面列出的一些职业道路可能需要进一步的教育或工作经验.


Keep in mind that depending on several factors—including but not limited to the individual career path you choose to pursue, 你的教育水平, 相关工作经历, 你的地理位置, 等.-你的收入可能会有所不同. 一般来说,获得学位可以带来更高的收入, 根据美国劳工统计局—this could mean that the more advanced the business 管理 or business administration degree you pursue, 你可以实现更高的潜在收入.



业务分析师, 也被称为管理分析师或顾问, 收集有关问题或过程的信息, 面试人员, conduct on-site observations and analyze financial data to develop solutions and make recommendations designed to improve an organization’s efficiency. 的ir strategy recommendations can help organizations enter into and/or remain competitive in the marketplace.2


人力资源专家负责招聘和培训员工. 他们可以处理福利管理, 工资和培训, 他们会回答员工关于公司政策和程序的问题. 人力资源专家还必须确保人力资源职能符合联邦法规, 州和地方法规.3

After developing extensive knowledge of their organization and its regulatory compliance needs (often in addition to completing voluntary human resources certification 程序s), 人力资源专家可能晋升为人力资源经理. 人力资源经理计划, 例如,协调和指导一个组织的行政职能, 招聘和雇用, 员工福利和员工纠纷.3


销售经理指导销售团队的活动. 大多数销售经理分配销售区域,设定销售配额和目标. 他们监控顾客的偏好, 分析销售数据, project sales and profitability and develop strategies to acquire new customers via various types of sales techniques.4

销售经理也招聘, hire and train new sales team members and also advise existing sales representatives on performance improvement. 他们倾向于与组织的营销经理密切合作, 研究设计部门, 仓储部门.4


如果你对生意感兴趣的话, deciding whether to pursue a business administration degree or business 管理 degree 程序 may not be easy. Taking an inventory of your aspirations could help inform your choice—would you prefer to focus more on developing 管理 skills and knowledge, or are you more interested in studying the “nuts and bolts” of general business operations? 对于一些, 选择可能取决于哪个项目的课程“适合”你, as both types of business degrees can help you prepare to pursue many of the same career paths.

有兴趣了解更多? 探索的完整列表 工商管理学位 CTU提供的项目.

1 美国劳工统计局.S. 劳工部, 职业展望手册, “商业和金融职业,“http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/business-and-financial/home.HTM(2023年3月20日参观). 这些数据代表的是国家数据,而不是基于学校的具体信息. 你所在地区的情况可能会有所不同.
2 美国劳工统计局.S. 劳工部, 职业展望手册, “管理分析师s,“http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov /哦/商业和金融/管理分析员.HTM(2023年3月20日参观).
3 美国劳工统计局.S. 劳工部, 职业展望手册, “人力资源专员s,“http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov /哦/商业和金融/ human-resources-specialists.HTM(2023年3月20日参观).
4 美国劳工统计局.S. 劳动部,职业展望手册,“销售经理”,http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov /哦/管理/销售经理.HTM(2023年3月20日参观).

科罗拉多理工大学 cannot guarantee employment, salary, or career advancement. 并不是所有的项目都适用于所有州的居民. REQ1887611 3/20/2023
